Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Caucus

We had expected 30 people to attend our precinct's caucus... 70 voting members arrived. This was a logistical nightmare, and an embarrassment as a party officer.

Our saving grace was the ability for the party leaders on sight to organize, move to a larger space, and conduct the meeting in an ordorly fashion. The GOP did not make any friends in our area tonight.

The good news is that the Democrats in the area were also overwhelmed, and were equally unprepared for the large number of voters. So we are not alone.

My precinct voted 47 votes for Romney, 12 for McCain, 10 for Huckabee, 1 for Tancredo.

I was able to have a voter take pictures, which he will be sending my way, and I will gladly share.

It was a motivated base of Republicans at it's finest! The party may be looking for common ground, but the democratic process, and the will of the people, is strong!

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