Wednesday, December 3, 2008

And Georgia Makes 41

Sen. Saxby Chambliss won re-election yesterday in the Peach State, effectively blocking the Senate Democrat super majority. Still undecided is the Senate race in Minnesota, where the first two counts has given victory to Republican Coleman (incumbent). There is now a legal challenge to allow disallowed ballots in the third (and hopefully final) count.

Saxby's victory was a clear indicator that the Obama swell was nothing more than an anti-Bush referendum, and that when all is considered, folks truly don't want to give Obama and the Liberal Democrats a blank check to push their social agenda.

The next four years will be tough for Republicans - but let's hope that the Saxby victory is an indicator of a more equal balance coming in 2010... as we all know, absolute power corrupts absolutely... just look at what happened to the GOP!

1 comment:

  1. It makes you wonder how many other ballots weren't counted during this year's elections...

    ... we don't want anyone to have a blank check in DC; that spells disaster.
