I am heading out on a short vacation to Seattle. I will surely make every attempt to blog from that location, but may only fit one in (in response to McCain's VP pick).
There has been an increased amount of talk about McCain's VP pick - and more and more folks agree that McCain is going to pick a woman... unfortunately, the Liberal MSM continues to float Kay Bailey Hutchinson's name in this 11th hour. She is a fine leader, no doubt, but she is too close to the Bush campaign - and McCain making that selection would only continue the "McSame" feelings. McCain needs to pick a woman - a good conservative... and the liberal MSM is afraid of Palin - so they float KBH.
I received a letter from the general editor of Palin for VP. I would like to share it with you, and once again, fully endorse Sarah Palin, Gov of AK as the only momentum VP nomination.
The letter reads:
Sarah Palin is an anomaly in American politics. It's not because she's a
woman, not because of her blue-collar background, and not because of her
ability to juggle the titles of "governor" and "committed mother of
five". Forget about all of that stuff for a moment; it's interesting, but
if Barack Obama has taught us anything, it's that a compelling biography
is not a qualification for leadership. Instead, Palin is unique because
she can claim one of the broadest bases of support of any leader in our
country. Other than the lunatic fringes of Alaska's kleptocratic
political establishment, nobody hates her.
Most politicians rise to power because they represent a certain wing of
their party, and even some of their own partisans detest them. Mike
Huckabee will never resonate with libertarian republicans, social
conservatives cannot support Rudy Giuliani, certain evangelicals will
always have a problem with Mitt Romney, and frankly I doubt that
hard-core conservatives will ever fully embrace John McCain. That doesn't
make them bad candidates; it just means that they face significant
opposition within the Republican Party. Sarah Palin does not have that
I have been working to draft Gov. Palin as Vice President since February
of 2007, and I can recount first hand how she has united divergent views
among Republicans and is now even gaining Democratic support. The key is
that she offers a combination of qualities that make her a hero to many,
many different groups. For instance, two of our strongest bases of
support have been social conservatives and libertarian republicans, who
are normally at each other's throats.
However, she offered both groups something that they desperately wanted
without compromising any appeal to the other. The SoCons loved her
pro-life, pro-family, and pro-gun positions, while the libertarians and
fiscal conservatives cheered her on as she vetoed hundreds of millions of
dollars of wasteful government spending. Getting those two groups to sing
kum-ba-ya was enough of an accomplishment, but now it appears that a
third group has found what it wants in Gov. Palin: McCainocrats.
For those Democrats who are considering abandoning the Obama ticket
(primarily disillusioned Clinton supporters), Palin represents the final
push into the Republican camp. Not only is she a woman (which, like it or
not, is an issue for some voters), but she also puts a fresh,
future-oriented face on the McCain campaign. By upending Alaska's corrupt
political class, Palin has actually produced the type of change that
Barack Obama can only talk about; and her collar is far bluer than Joe
Biden's ever was. Furthermore, she is arguably the only candidate who has
the necessary expertise to address the single most pressing issue in this
election: gas prices. As Governor of Alaska, Chair of the Interstate Oil
and Gas Compact Commission (America's largest interstate organization),
and a former Chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission,
Sarah Palin can run rings around almost anyone when it comes to oil.
The last candidate to assemble such a broad coalition of support was a
gentleman by the name of Ronald Wilson Reagan. He not only won the
presidency in two successive landslides, but went on to become one of the
most beloved and effective presidents in recent history. Now, I realize
that it is somewhat presumptuous of me to make this comparison, but I
personally have no doubt that Sarah Palin has the capability to become
the next Reagan. In fact, the only real question that I have heard is
whether we should bring her to the forefront now as a VP candidate or
save her for later as a full-fledged presidential hopeful in 2012. I
personally choose the former, because the latter involves the defeat of
John McCain and the election of President Obama and Vice President Biden.
2008 will be a crucial election year, with the winner being handed the
responsibility for the Iraq war, the gasoline crisis, the Russo-Georgian
conflict, and any number of other issues. The stakes are simply too high
to throw McCain under the bus and bide our time. Likewise, Sen. McCain
should realize that the stakes are too high for him to select a VP
candidate who simply "does no harm" rather than pushing his ticket over
the top.
There is one sure fire solution to this problem, one way to guarantee a
McCain surge, one way to put Obama on the defensive, and one way to
steamroll to victory in November. Her name is Sarah Palin.
There has been an increased amount of talk about McCain's VP pick - and more and more folks agree that McCain is going to pick a woman... unfortunately, the Liberal MSM continues to float Kay Bailey Hutchinson's name in this 11th hour. She is a fine leader, no doubt, but she is too close to the Bush campaign - and McCain making that selection would only continue the "McSame" feelings. McCain needs to pick a woman - a good conservative... and the liberal MSM is afraid of Palin - so they float KBH.
I received a letter from the general editor of Palin for VP. I would like to share it with you, and once again, fully endorse Sarah Palin, Gov of AK as the only momentum VP nomination.
The letter reads:
Sarah Palin is an anomaly in American politics. It's not because she's a
woman, not because of her blue-collar background, and not because of her
ability to juggle the titles of "governor" and "committed mother of
five". Forget about all of that stuff for a moment; it's interesting, but
if Barack Obama has taught us anything, it's that a compelling biography
is not a qualification for leadership. Instead, Palin is unique because
she can claim one of the broadest bases of support of any leader in our
country. Other than the lunatic fringes of Alaska's kleptocratic
political establishment, nobody hates her.
Most politicians rise to power because they represent a certain wing of
their party, and even some of their own partisans detest them. Mike
Huckabee will never resonate with libertarian republicans, social
conservatives cannot support Rudy Giuliani, certain evangelicals will
always have a problem with Mitt Romney, and frankly I doubt that
hard-core conservatives will ever fully embrace John McCain. That doesn't
make them bad candidates; it just means that they face significant
opposition within the Republican Party. Sarah Palin does not have that
I have been working to draft Gov. Palin as Vice President since February
of 2007, and I can recount first hand how she has united divergent views
among Republicans and is now even gaining Democratic support. The key is
that she offers a combination of qualities that make her a hero to many,
many different groups. For instance, two of our strongest bases of
support have been social conservatives and libertarian republicans, who
are normally at each other's throats.
However, she offered both groups something that they desperately wanted
without compromising any appeal to the other. The SoCons loved her
pro-life, pro-family, and pro-gun positions, while the libertarians and
fiscal conservatives cheered her on as she vetoed hundreds of millions of
dollars of wasteful government spending. Getting those two groups to sing
kum-ba-ya was enough of an accomplishment, but now it appears that a
third group has found what it wants in Gov. Palin: McCainocrats.
For those Democrats who are considering abandoning the Obama ticket
(primarily disillusioned Clinton supporters), Palin represents the final
push into the Republican camp. Not only is she a woman (which, like it or
not, is an issue for some voters), but she also puts a fresh,
future-oriented face on the McCain campaign. By upending Alaska's corrupt
political class, Palin has actually produced the type of change that
Barack Obama can only talk about; and her collar is far bluer than Joe
Biden's ever was. Furthermore, she is arguably the only candidate who has
the necessary expertise to address the single most pressing issue in this
election: gas prices. As Governor of Alaska, Chair of the Interstate Oil
and Gas Compact Commission (America's largest interstate organization),
and a former Chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission,
Sarah Palin can run rings around almost anyone when it comes to oil.
The last candidate to assemble such a broad coalition of support was a
gentleman by the name of Ronald Wilson Reagan. He not only won the
presidency in two successive landslides, but went on to become one of the
most beloved and effective presidents in recent history. Now, I realize
that it is somewhat presumptuous of me to make this comparison, but I
personally have no doubt that Sarah Palin has the capability to become
the next Reagan. In fact, the only real question that I have heard is
whether we should bring her to the forefront now as a VP candidate or
save her for later as a full-fledged presidential hopeful in 2012. I
personally choose the former, because the latter involves the defeat of
John McCain and the election of President Obama and Vice President Biden.
2008 will be a crucial election year, with the winner being handed the
responsibility for the Iraq war, the gasoline crisis, the Russo-Georgian
conflict, and any number of other issues. The stakes are simply too high
to throw McCain under the bus and bide our time. Likewise, Sen. McCain
should realize that the stakes are too high for him to select a VP
candidate who simply "does no harm" rather than pushing his ticket over
the top.
There is one sure fire solution to this problem, one way to guarantee a
McCain surge, one way to put Obama on the defensive, and one way to
steamroll to victory in November. Her name is Sarah Palin.
Yes. Palin is the only 100% perfect pick, but I will settle for some others.
ReplyDeleteBobby Jindal, John Thune, Eric Cantor, and Marsha Blackburn.
He's no Sarah Palin, but Tim Pawlenty fits most of the description. Would you (more or less) agree with my assessment?
It looks like he's McCain's VP choice, but we'll know for sure tomorrow morning.
I wouldn't give up on Palin yet, it looks like she was flown from Alaska to Ohio on a private jet a few hours ago: http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N222GY
ReplyDeleteIt needs to be Palin so that the McCain campaign is infused with some energy and vitaality...ALL the rest are boring...same ol same ol.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You totally called it!
ReplyDeleteI've looked all over for a still image of her firing a rifle. I saw the video but would like to post a still image.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone finds it, please drop me a line at Mike's America.
Great Choice for V.P. All conservatives are excited about it.
I was wrong, and am glad I was wrong. Kudos to you, Steve, for sticking with Palin all the way and persuading the McCain camp! Given the circumstances, I believe now this was the best move ... You were right.
ReplyDeleteAll - Thanks for the comments. I picked Palin many moons ago as the best choice for ANY GOP candidate. And now the rest of the nation/world will know why! She is the future of the party... the new face of the GOP. With Palin, the left can no longer make the argument that the GOP is little more than a good-ol-boys club. Palin breaks the mold, and doesnt play nice with the good ol boys... she is a maverick in her own right.
ReplyDeleteWhat we have now is a Republican Reform ticket... This shakes things up BIG TIME!
Thanks for the kudos and support.
Good post. Thanks for sharing that letter making the case for Gov. Palin. We were surprised but very excited about the McCain/Palin ticket and put a link to your site.
ReplyDelete'L, I dohnt know:
Snaggle-Tooth Jones, the Colorado Confederatarian