Thursday, May 24, 2007

One nice thing, Every day

How do we not only better ourselves, but better our world? The answer is easy, and easy to do. Every day, do one nice thing for someone else.

For example, the one nice thing can be as little as holding a door for someone, or buying a stranger lunch. How about paying the toll for the car behind you? Or have you considered calling your office custodian by their first name, and saying thanks while looking them in the eyes...

Happiness is contagious, and so are good deeds. Not only will you make yourself feel better, but you could potentially be the highlight of someone elses day.

If you are up to a larger task, try visiting They are focussed on better your lives by bettering the lives of others.

What is my inspiration for promiting this idea? Mike Huckabee's book, of course...

So I ask you, are you ready to do something nice?

And with Memorial day right around the corner, how about making an extra effort to thank a serviceman/woman, or even the family of someone you know who is in the service. Appreciate our military!

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Steve.......
    So very true about how doing something for someone else will make you feel better and maybe want to make them "Pay it Forward".
    Great stuff buddy!!!
